Namespace Polly.CircuitBreaker
- BrokenCircuitException
Exception thrown when a circuit is broken.
- CircuitBreakerManualControl
Allows manual control of the circuit-breaker.
- CircuitBreakerStateProvider
Allows retrieval of the circuit breaker state.
- CircuitBreakerStrategyOptions
The options for circuit breaker resilience strategy.
- CircuitBreakerStrategyOptions<TResult>
The options for circuit breaker resilience strategy.
- IsolatedCircuitException
Exception thrown when a circuit is isolated (held open) by manual override.
- BreakDurationGeneratorArguments
Represents arguments used to generate a dynamic break duration for a circuit breaker.
- CircuitBreakerPredicateArguments<TResult>
Arguments used by ShouldHandle predicate.
- OnCircuitClosedArguments<TResult>
Arguments used by OnClosed event.
- OnCircuitHalfOpenedArguments
Arguments used by OnHalfOpened event.
- OnCircuitOpenedArguments<TResult>
Arguments used by OnOpened event.
- CircuitState
Describes the possible states the circuit of a Circuit Breaker may be in.